Arduino DUE 2012 R3 ARM 32 No USB Cable
Arduino Due parameters:
Processor AT91SAM3X8EA
Operating voltage 3.3V
Input voltage 7-12V
Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V
Digital I / O port 54 (12 PWM outputs)
12 analog input pins
analog output pin 2 (DAC)
row home I / O port DC output current 130mA
3.3V power pins to provide 800 mA current
5V power supply pin with 800 mA current
internal flash memory 512KB
SRAM96 KB (TWO Banks : 64KB and 32KB)
84 MHz clock frequency
Arduino Arduino Due is a special product, currently known Due Compatible Shield is not much, mainly because libraries differ, Due 2560 with the Arduino MEGA pin definition of exactly the same, but the I / O port supply parameters vary, Arduino Due official website warning: http://arduinocc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardDue